Veera Välimäki

Veera Välimäki

Veera Välimäki lives and designs in a very small village in Southern Finland. Her designs focus on simple and clean lines with small fresh details. She loves simple yet modern knits that are both easy to knit and easy towear – year after year.

Shawls and sweaters are Veera’s two favorite things to knit. Veera is truly a master of casting on for newsweaters, but one can never have too many of them, right?! Veera adores garter stitch and all kinds of short rows.

Her two books are published in Finland, but majority of Veera’s work is self-published. Interpretations bookseries together with Joji Locatelli has now reached to the 5 th anniversary volume and the books are published in print by Pom Pom Press. Veera’s work has also been featured in magazines and books in Finland, Europe and in the US.
For a few years now, Veera has also been teaching in many different events and knitting festivals – mainlyabroad, in UK, US and Central-Europe.


Veera Välimäki 8 JUNE, 9H-12H, PORT WINE ROOM

Shawls Shapes

Veera Välimäki 9 JUNE, 9H-12H, PORT WINE ROOM

Stripes beyond the basics